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Subscript protects your data and never shares it with anyone at all. We won't sell it or rent it or let other companies even view it in aggregate. Your data stays yours, and we'll remove it from our servers completely anytime you want.

How we handle your data When you connect your systems to Subscript, we only access the parts needed to make the product work for you. We will always be transparent about what data is accessed.

We keep key pieces of information securely to be able to generate reports for you quickly and let you analyze them in many different ways

Subscript regularly monitors for updates in your data to give you a realtime view into your business

Subscript will delete your data completely anytime you want.

Your data is sensitive. We protect it absolutely.

Data encryption: The combination of the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES-256) and Transport Layer Security (TLS) help keep your personal information safe.

Cloud infrastructure: Subscript uses secure cloud infrastructure technologies to help enable you to connect quickly and securely.

Strong authentication: Subscript allows multi-factor authentication for added security.

Robust monitoring: The Subscript data stores and software is consistently monitored.


We adhere to industry best practices and we are working towards compliance certifications.



REPORTSPentest Report

Risk Profile


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